Jaz from waist up wearing a green shirt. Background is a pumpkin patch.

hi, i'm jaz

And, much like Marie Kondo, I aim to create spaces that spark joy - both digitally and in reality.
Regardless of the problem space, a successful product is one that empowers its user to accomplish their goal, frictionlessly. As a designer, I’m passionate about designing digital experiences that enrich people’s lives rather than frustrate them.

education, experience, etc...

I graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle with two degrees - one in Informatics with a focus on human-computer interaction and one in Psychology. My Informatics studies cultivated my design skills as well as my love for technology while my psychology studies helped me better understand users as people, driving me towards more informed and empathetic design decisions.
These complementary studies enabled me to exercise design thinking and empathy throughout course projects, hackathons, and internships - most notably iSIFT for the UW Center for an Informed Public, which won a Social Impact Award, and Smash for NewPoint LLC for which I managed a team of over a dozen designers and developers.

answers to common ice breakers

Hi, I'm jelly bean Jaz. I use she/her pronouns. If I were an animal, I'd either be a hedgehog or a sea lion. I didn't eat breakfast, but I had Chipotle for lunch. My superpower of choice would be telekinesis.
When I’m not working, I enjoy playing ultimate frisbee, listening to live music, and organizing things. No, seriously - I will absolutely organize your closet and I will enjoy every minute of it.